A newly released video featuring conversations with leading intellectual property practitioners, professionals and creators stresses the need to assure the role of IP rights is better understood by more audiences, especially educators, students and lawmakers.
Rising to the Challenge: Making IP Understanding a Priority is a product of the third IP Awareness Summit (IPAS 2020). It asks that the question: What are IP professionals and the IP community — who are familiar with patents and other rights — doing to help convey a clearer picture of the growing impact of IP?
The video was shot by London-based Ideas Matter at UC Berkeley on March 5 at IPAS 2020, just prior to the institution of new social distancing requirements, and was the last major pre-Covid IP gathering. IPAS was held in conjunction with the Haas School of Business and the Tusher Center for the Management of Intellectual Capital, which is headed by Dr. David Teece, the leading economist and proponent of intangible assets.
“Every job, no matter what you do, relies upon IP,” Scott Frank, CEO of AT&T IP and chairman of the Georgia IP Alliance told Ideas Matter.
“If you don’t know what you are doing, you are potentially going to get yourself and your company in a lot of trouble.”
In the 7-minute video, thought leaders from the U.S., Europe and Asia to discuss the importance of understanding the role of IP and IP rights in innovation and creative expression. Included in the piece are comments from three keynotes, including Dr. Gary Michelson (pictured above), an orthopedic spinal surgeon, successful inventor (900 patents) and philanthropist, and founder of the Michelson Institute for Intellectual property.
Other keynotes included Gary Lauder, Silicon Valley technology investor and venture capitalist, whose Lauder Partners, LLC has invested more than $500 million in startups; and Talal Shamoon, CEO of Intertrust, an innovative digital rights management company owned by Philips and Sony.
Audio + Content
Other speakers who appear in the video include: Christine Cochran, an attorney engaged in policy and strategy at Astellas Pharma; Mickie Voges-Piatt, Professor at Illinois Institute of Technology and the Chicago-Kent College of Law; Josh Malone, a successful inventor and entrepreneur; Ruth Soetendorp, a UK professor and leading IP educator; Alfred Yip, a senior executive with the IP Office of Singapore (IPOS); Scott Frank, CEO of AT&T IP and President of the Georgia IP Alliance; and Bo Heiden, Deputy Director of the Center for IP Studies in Sweden and a Senior Fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institute.
“IP is imperative for individuals, policy makers and the health of the system, so that we don’t have to rely on philanthropy,” said inventor Josh Malone.
“IP rights enable us to take chances and create new products and technologies that would not otherwise exist.”
For audio files of the IPAS 2020 keynotes and panels, as well as the program and full list of speakers, go here.
For more information about the Center for Intellectual Property Understanding, please visit www.understandingip.org
To see the video, go to the CIPU YouTube Channel.
Image source: ideasmatter.com
This article originally appeared on IPCloseup